Changing my heavy af 26x4 department store fat bike' front from 36t to (I think) an old 80s 39t/52t double gave me no significant increase in knee feeling. It tops out somewhere over 100 GI.
I'm pretty sure people getting fucked up knees from grinding at low cadence is more to do with pedal stroke and bike fit than it is to do with RPM. Or potentially RPM affects how you fit your bike. Or the specific chainring shape. From what I know If your knees come above parallel you're gonna blow them eventually.
But I get a really good pump from mashing up a steep a hill or or just in the hardest possible gearing. Easier gears don't do it.
>>1372307Good luck. I did some looking around and all the cycling meme shit is about being a weight weenie for racing and freds being appalled at wanting big legs on a bike. Or trackfags who completely ignore anything to do with it save for Foestermann. BB sites ignore it save for secondhand knowledge from bike sites and a few anecdotes.