>>1378989With the rise of better surveillance technology like drones and ever-increasing draconian rules from railroads and the FRA (written by people who have never switched a car) it's a demoralizing series hassles for what's basically a dead end job.
Even if you do rise up the ladder you have to start at trainmaster (glorified secretary that gets shit upon by everyone), who wants that. If you're lucky and hitch your horse on someone else going up the ladder you can land an assistant terminal manager job, do that for 5-10 years in some rathole town, and maybe after 20 years (and a few more promotions to other ratholes) you can move into a job at the corporate office. Odds are you'll bail at the first opportunity for a better job with less horseshit though. Working at a Class 1 was just a constant battle of attrition and eventually I threw in the towel.
>However, if you're a minority and especially a woman, you'll shoot up the ladder fast