>>1386274>So they use 10 liters an hour?GA plane? No.
You travel 200-300 km / hour, so it is 20-30 liters per hour. Or 5-10 galons.
>And jet fuels is significantly different from regular airliner diesel, as well as jet engine systemsAs for commercial jet planes, you can expect 2-4 liter/100 km per pax. (fully loaded)
As for buses (coach), they do 1-2 liter/100 km per pax. (fully loaded)
For train, I don't know. Lower than then, they consume too much energy. No better than bus for sure. Unless you have 300+ pax in one wagon, which causes people to buy cars.
What is really efficient, is a kick scooter. 11 W-h / km. Peak performance. No job required.
Velomobile is even more efficient, but they are overpriced and not practical.
>>1386273You don't have friction with ground or anything, this allows insane speeds and low (relatively) fuel consumption. You don't see buses going 800 km/h. I mean, it would be cool, but no, it is too unsafe to go that fast on ground.