>>1391934How do we convince brain-dead /n/iggers that nothing they say on 4chan will ever be heard outside their artificial little echo-chamber of delustional fringie attitudes, therefore they should STFU and be grateful they're allowed to exist in the Real World at all?
The real lulzy thing about you all is that most of you one way or another will have to live like everyone else in the world, own a car, buy a house in the suburbs, have a wife and kids, be responsible adults, and when those things start happening none of your weird little atittudes and strange ideas will be allowed anymore.
What's even more lulzy than that is when you finally fall in line, like everyone else, you'll look back at all this stupid shit you posted in this ridiculous place like it was all some fever-dream, and wonder "What was I thinking? None of that makes any sense!".
Give up, /n/ faggots. You have to grow up sometime, may as well be now. The so-called 'NIMBYs' you're blathering on and on about will one day be (You), when you have a Real Life to protect from weirdos like you're being right now.