>>1395764>that definition of corporate person-hoodin the US a corporate person is defined by 5 major cases
>trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodwardstates that a state has no right to interfere with a legal contract between two or more person(s), and that a group of persons (the board of trustees of Dartmouth) had legal standing to represent previous people holding the same position (the board of trustees when the school was first chartered)
>Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts v. Town of Pawletestablishes the property rights of chartered corporations as being equal to persons
>Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific & Pembina Consolidated Silver Mining Co. v. Pennsylvaniastates that corporations have equal rights under the 14th amendment and that a private corporation is a "merely associations of individuals united for a special purpose and permitted to do business under a particular name and have a succession of members without dissolution"
>Northwestern Nat Life Ins. Co. v. Riggsstated clear out that for legal purposes a corporation is a person. also clarified that the 14th amendment didn't apply to corporations if the regulation that would affect the corporation also applied to sole proprietorship or partnerships.
just some history here, your rambling explanation of corporations hurts to read so I figured a bit of background would help.
>>1395613the concept of the invisible hand is that it exists regardless of what you do to stop it. tax cigarettes to stop people from smoking? loose tax free cigs become a source of income, and an in demand item. outlaw booze? outlaws start selling booze. give government the ability to decide winners and losers? winners pay the government to prevent them from becoming losers while keeping everyone else out of their market. the price of food in Venezuela has gone up more since they fixed the price of food then in all the years before that regulation.
supply and demand is like gravity or thermodynamics.