>>1400790> that most cops aren't good cops.Nah, being a cop is a job. You chose to """""uphold""""" the law and the law is shit. The few bad apples are always upheld by the rest. I used to fuck a cute cop in the park and we'd drive through town back to my place naked and literally all of that was illegal (I'd get high before too with them as witness) and obviously I never got in trouble for that and that's the problem. If that the law is the law it ought to be equally applied and it's not. All cops are is a dude who applied for a job and got a different colored shirt.
I got hit and run by some dude, funnily enough walking past a cop on a traffic stop and he looked right at me with blood running down my face and had to get my buds to come grab me.
I went to the police to get a statement just so my insurance would cover sewing my eyebrow back on, but since it took place on a town border, I had to go back and forth and back and forth just to get someone to say it happened, without even pressing charges because, in both of their words, what was I doing on the road in the first place.
Fuck em, cunt