[110 / 11 / ?]
>It is projected that the first section, between San Francisco and Los Angeles, will be operating in 2020.
This is from page 81 of the 2009 edition of the SPV Railroad Atlas of California & Nevada. How did government officials get the dates so wrong? And why are shills trying to memory-hole this info and gaslight everyone about the true history of the project and the promises made about costs and timelines back when CA-HSR was first put to a vote? This map refutes the misinformation being spread on this board today.
This is from page 81 of the 2009 edition of the SPV Railroad Atlas of California & Nevada. How did government officials get the dates so wrong? And why are shills trying to memory-hole this info and gaslight everyone about the true history of the project and the promises made about costs and timelines back when CA-HSR was first put to a vote? This map refutes the misinformation being spread on this board today.