>>1418744I'm a Euro, and politically, I'm left of centre, but our Overton Window is nowhere near as right wing as America's.
Anyway, I like his content on transport in general, and his series on Franklin and Cities Skylines stuff is really good. His politics are interesting, though I must say that in different ways, I do agree with him on an issue by issue case, even if my own political ideology is maybe more... forgiving of capitalism, while still being interventionist (I think this is sometimes called social market economy).
Anyway, I really did like his stuff about Elon Musk's Loop, and how it's a really bad idea. The idea of making small loading gauge rapid transit (like London Underground's deep level tunnels) is good, but putting cars through there is just a bad idea. That said, there is a lot to learn from case studies, no matter what your political leaning is. Maybe some day he'll come to accept evidence lead policy.
Anyway... maybe he'll talk about more European or Asian urbanist or transport topics in future. They're certainly interesting and worth learning from anyway.