I have ridden these things exactly once. Some, dog and pony show for bigwigs disguised as a charity fundraiser. One of the interesting things is that while you can't overtake, you CAN force the people in front of you to go faster, if you've got the watts of course.
So the setup they had was one actual cyclist, in full kit on each car, and 3 VIPs. I was in the last car, minus the tour guide sag wagon or whatever at the rear. As luck of the draw, or inability to gauge ability would have it, I ended up with a short stocky 50 year old woman who's event of choice is the track ommnium and made lewd double ententes all event long and a 70 year old, but also apparently a masters road race rider and a 60 year old foamer, who didn't have watts , but was just happy to be there.
So the woman says "4 man team pursuit is my favorite event, in the thunderdome. That's what I call my bed by the way. Do you think we can draft on these things?
After the 100 meter or so gap closed to about 20 meters, the people ahead of us noticed. The experience is a little like a late draft in a road race, except everything is moving in slow motion. You see them spazz out a little, wasting a extra energy panicking trying to squeeze out more watts. Except instead of an overtake, the gap closes and then.....it's contact.
>>1418805I'd estimate the single seater ones I saw to be somewhere around 60 kg. They're somewhat similar to those surrey pedal cars I think the wheels are plastic.