>>1418936All of this, and more. They're large and imposing, have a blocky geometry appealing to ass burgers, and run through beautiful places far more often than roads. The million minor irritations of car travel become much worse for autists with sensory oversensitivity, so taking trains is that much more relaxing. Speaking for myself, it's half the reason I have a big, comfy pickup truck - I can go places without the physical sensation of driving in some shitty, wheezy beater sedan scraping at my nerves with rusty razors. The cargo and off-road capabilities are nice too but I use those less often.
For those autists that can't drive at all, whether due to age or inability or income, cars and cattle-class airliners are a living hell of confinement, sensory overload, and forced proximity to others, but trains, bikes, and boats are freedom.