>>1425650Scary thing is, everyone not from /n/ and even half of /n/ unironically say things like this. Wyoming is suuuuuper big guys, so Atlanta can't have a functional light rail system or walkable neighborhoods!
When we talk about public transit, we talk about USING TRANSIT FOR DAY TO DAY COMMUTES. Getting around your city, going to work, the gym, the grocery store, shopping, on a date (or not, for some of you.) All of that should be accomplished without NEEDING a car.
No one commutes from Seattle to Redding, CA for their daily commute. So why the fuck does everyone immediately jump to thinking a fucntional fail system MUST MEAN inter-city, long distance lines that most people use plane for? Why the fuck? They aren't even pretending to be retarded, they actually ARE all retarded!
Why can't america have functional public transit? Well holy fuck the cretins don't even know what the meaning of the term is! No fucking shit, they can't build what they don't even understand. A pygmy who thinks "rocket ship" means a cart with wheels on it isn't going to just happen to find himself building a functional rocket ship.
I swear i thought we took the lead out of gasoline a decade ago.