>>1443444>Reich Labor Service menunemployment office, vaguely conscripted those who were caught with nothing else to do)
>Kraft durch Freude - the leisure and recreation division of the German labor front objectives are to make leisure activity more accessible to middle and lower class workers and also strengthen tourism
>German Labour Frontthe comprehensive state enforced trade union
also enforces Schonheit der Arbeit (Beauty of work) objective is that workers should have a clean work environment free of grime and rodents
>war service of the Reich Labor Servicethe more militant and compulsory part of solving the unemployment problem
>Women in military service as conductors at the Berlin transport companygirls who had started out in Association of German girls - .ie girl scouts
moved on to the German women's labor service
and were then given tasks as appropriate such as
conductress of the Berlin trams
or a News helper - .ie telephone exchange operator - other secretarial and communication centric jobs
and also logistical and medical tasks under the blanket of Wehrmach assistant
along with operating and coordinating flac guns
>Agriculturemembers of both the Association of German girls and hortler youth are sent to countryside to spend time in nature and learn how to farm
>national communitymembers of the Association of German girls and the Reich Labour Service of the female youth
are sent out into the community to assist the infirm and elderly with food or house work
along with fund raising such as the sale of biscuits and trinkets
also singing and playing instruments / music