It's insane how people are flipping their shit.
In 2017/18 flu season, in Germany alone 25000 people died because of influenca. Even though Germany has only 1/20 the people of PRC. Nobody gives a fuck. People don't even get vaccines because they only care when dying of corona, but dying on flu is fine.
Corona has a mortality of only 2% and basically only people above 60 are dying. Kids don't even show symptoms.
On top of that all the actual deaths because of resistant hospital germs, hepatitis, hiv, and all this other shit. Nobody cares.
On the other hand there are real epidemics like ebola with a mortality over 70%. But hey it's africa so who cares.
In yesterdays Times Daily podcast, they made painted an end time corona szenario until the reporter asked if influenca isn't actually more dangerous. Their doomsday expert said, yes, influenca is actually way more dangerous but you always have to be careful with corona. kekd.