>>1467591I've seen these around. For 90% of them you need building access because it's private use. hospitals and universities, for example. either way it takes 6x as long to enter the building, find the stairs, and then cross than it does just to wait for a walklight.
A better answer is pedestrian bridges like we already have. open and easily accessible.
>>1467529that's a special case in mountain city of china because the city is built on steep hills, you have a lot of vertical differences. the "top" of the one skyscraper is merely ground level of the next street. It's like seattle or sanfransisco but turned up to 11. in any normal use, making people go all the way to the top of a ~30 story building and back down just to cross a street is retarded.
however, it is aesthetic. i wish we did utilize rooftop space of buildigns as public parks, but it's not viable.