>>1489564More bikes sold, less money made. A few LBSes are doing great, lots are crashing and burning.
>Manufacturers Mavic just went into receivership.
Dorel, which is one of the big 4 managed to lose a half million dollars while selling more product.
Raleigh and Fuji have fallen out of the main group. Fuji managed to take out Performance Bikes in the process, or vice versa.
Shimano is desperate for the direction it goes next, and it's not going to be "one more speed".
That said, there's new up and comers, The Fu brothers, Yolo. Or Yoelo. and Bosh. Peleton and Zwift if you count those.
But as far as OP's question, it's more likely weird fluctuations, or brexit freakout. Vitus is french.