>>1511574this is why i love japan so much, although there are some places where this is hard
i've only been there for a week, but i love the fact that I don't have to rent cars to travel across the country
granted, not even japan is safe from this creeping disease of humanity
when i was walking to a tanabata festival, people drove cars in rove there
it absolutely ruined the experience for me in that instance
it was summer, so it was very hot, so i guess i understand having air conditioned boxes to travel with
but walking isn't something that is necessarily bad
walking is aesthetic, its natural and its healthy
there is no need for gyms, or designated parks for you to exercise, just walk everyday and eat like a normal homo sapien and you are fine (minus cancer and some random misfortunes)
my favorite places to walk is ironically the city, they are so packed that there are very few cars and everyone is just walking
cars are a remedy for a curse that it creates itself, its truly a vicious cycle.