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Old American Canals: Forgotten or Neglected

No.1507219 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /n/, I run a small channel that makes videos on transit, urban planning and general infrastructure history.

My latest video has focused on the Delaware and Raritan Canal, and in general the fall and disappearance of small canals in the U.S. There always seems to be a lack of preserving canals and keeping them in a shape where they could have been usable, especially in the early 1900s.

My Video partially goes over all of this with the focus being the D&R canal.

I did alot of research for this video. Which included asking people at my local college, searching the Library of Congress for pics and drawings, and emailing old boomers back and forth to try to get map files that own they have...

So now that I did all of that work, not everything made it into the video, so I thought that I'd share it here!