>>1521650>This anan was >>1520812Oh yea I forgot about that post kek. Not sure what that has to do with helmets though, no idea if he posts anti-helmet stuff in other threads.
Nothing is wrong with gloves on road bikes, but someone else claimed that riding a road bike without gloves is the new trend (and maybe therefore implied that riding without gloves is bad because it means chasing a trend).
I think wearing gloves is a great option, I don't always wear gloves but I do a lot of the time. I generally don't wear gloves for commuting during warm weather, but riding for fun I am more inclined to.
Anyway I think what is confusing you is that you mistakenly believe
>>1520812 and
>>1520838 to be the same anon when in fact they not only are different anons, but they also hold opposition positions, with the latter accusing the former of being a trend following retard.