>>1523367>am I wrong?Nope. Many DOTs across the country (and world) have experienced FHV (for hire vehicles, aka Uber/Lyft) cause congestion. It is 2-fold with FHVs:
1) Extra vehicles on the road. Plain and simple. Before Uber you had 0 Ubers, now you might have +20,000 extra cars on the road. Note that some may be converted from existing users, but others could be "new" drivers, as in people who were not previously driving at such and such time each day.
2) The nature of FHVs. The main problem comes from what happens after a FHV completes a fare. Sometimes, they don't always instantly have a new fare, they have to drive around. Compare this to a normal driver who goes A->B and done, whereas with FHVs you might have A->B->Wait for next fare while driving->C->D->Go back to CBD->E, etc. This creates lots of weird behavior that cities perhaps did not experience to these levels previously. Yeah we have always had cabs, but we have not had THIS many like them.
Also of note is FHVs, at least in my city, are notorious for blocking bus lanes, double parking, all sorts of violations. This, especially the double parking, compounds the congestion.
> How is it any different from regular cabs, which have existed for like over 100 years?In many cases it's not different. The behavior is similar. But what's happening is you have let's say 30,000 cabs circulating in your city, and now you have +30,000 NEW ubers doing it too.