>>1536946my local FBO rents a C152 at $90/hour wet. If it really cost $15k every hundred hours to run a C152 they'd be taking a $6k hit every hundred hours. I'm hardly John D Rockefeller but I thought the point of owning a business was to make money?
private aircraft ownership doesn't have to cost a fortune
>dont buy too much planeaside from people flying their family around 95% of private pilots never have a single passenger in the rear seats. most pilots dont utilize more than half their takeoff weight capability during the entire time they own the aircraft. if you're flying for fun or personal conveyance ~110kn is plenty of cruising speed, probably more than you really need. glass cockpits and AoA indicators for exclusively VFR flying is totally unnecessary.
>actually take becoming a pilot seriouslyits almost never you'll find a private pilot who knows how to lean out a mixture. this basic skill can save thousands every year if done right. and its not like its hard to learn. taildraggers come at a hefty discount because most private pilots are deathly afraid of them, yet they require really no more skill than tricycle gear.
there's a bunch of other stupid shit private pilots throw money at for no reason. hundred hour inspections, expensive sunnies, a bunch of dumb subscriptions they never utilize, ostentatious headsets, way too much insurance...i could go on.
I do believe in hangar storage and I think it saves enough money in maintenance and keeps enough equity in the plane to be overall worth it, that's probably the one shitty part. but aside from that $300-ish / month expense and assuming no debt is being taken on for the PPL or plane itself I know for a fact private airplane ownership can easily be cheaper than car ownership.