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The Chad Horse V.S. The Incel Car

No.1543941 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

>Requires oil, a substance that takes years just to produce.

>Breaks if you don't turn it on for a long time.

>Pollutes the air that you breathe, basically killing you in the process.

>Requires a license.

The Chad Horse:

>Eats food for energy.

>Doesn't pollute at all, infact it's waste products can be used as fertilizer for your garden.

>Is a living breathing object.

>Doesn't die if you don't ride it for a long time.

>Perfect for wars.

>No license required.

>You can straight up eat its meat if you want.

>You can milk it.

>It can give birth, which basically turns the animal into an investment.

Stop driving cars, become a chad like your ancestors and ride a horse.