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No.1559144 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I dont understand this obsession over trains in the US.

Why the fuck would I take a train unless I lived in NYC or Chicago? If its a long distance i'll fly and it takes a lot less time. If its short distance ill hop in my car and go. You think im gonna go on a bus to the train station and wait for a fucking train and take twice as long to get anywhere? We arent Europe. We are a big fucking country. If I have to take a 20 minute bus ride to a train and then wait 10 minutes for the train and then take 30 minutes on the train why not just hop in my fucking car and get to where im going in less time? And plus I dont have to sit next to dirty fucking people. We arent fucking France or Japan or the Netherlands. We are a big fucking country where public transit is slow no matter how good you make it and how many BILLIONS you spend for a few thousand riders compared to the 80% of people who prefer to drive. Why spend 5 billion on a train line when only 5% of people are gonna use it? What about fixing roads that people actually fucking use. We arent a train country and im sick of people trying to force us to become one. If you like fucking trains so much go to japan or something cause we drive our cars here in America cause we arent this tiny compact nation with tiny compact and cramped cities.