>>1566016that's fine, i'm not OP, not saying everyone should ride a fixie
some locations surely have big climbs but i'm pretty sure some /n/ anons who live in flatter places are just weak and don't realize how easy muh hills and muh headwinds become once you get on a nicer bike
a dutch bike could leave you barely being able to stand up after a ride whereas a more performance oriented bike could make the same ride pretty much effortless as your speed is restricted more by the traffic conditions than your physical effort
there are people who live in a city and ride fucking dutch and hybrid bikes, not a single road bike in sight, and some people like me just want a nicer bike but a proper nice road bike would definitely be overkill and i wouldn't get much use out of the different gear ratios and i don't need muh compliance because the roads are well maintained and i don't spend hours in the saddle