>>1565882Most of the time I will lock the bike outside. That works because I use the shopping cart to transport the items to my bike. However, there are stores that won't let you take the cart beyond the doors, some electronic braking system on the wheels. So then I will have to buy bags now, or take bags from home, an extra step to do now to get to my bike. There are 2 supermarkets I go to with this locking shopping cart. I take my bike inside the doors and lock it to the wheel leaning against the wall discreetly out of the way of the mall visitors. None of the security have ever said anything t me. As long as I can get the cart to my bike, I'm happy.
As for wheeling my bike into the store, why would I do that? It'd be impractical to hold the bike while reaching for items. Whereas a shopping cart allows you to move about and to load a shit load.