>>1572125Listen dude, if you want to be a professional athlete, you have to train for the specific requirements of your sport, not screw around. Successful professional cyclists need the highest power-to-weight ratio they can attain. Having huge arm muscles and upper body muscles like a bodybuilder doesn't make the bike go faster, it makes you climb hills SLOW, you get dropped by the peloton. You won't make it as a pro cyclist that way. You train for the strongest, most compact leg muscles you can, just enough core and shoulder/arm to keep you from being injured and facilitate efficient power transfer, and above all else you train for best aerobic and anaerobic endurance you can possibly manage, and LOW BODY FAT. The most effective way to raise your power-to-weight ratio is to have the least amount of bodyfat you possibly can without negatively affecting your overall performance.
So the takeaway here is that you do not train for """aesthetics""" like some seething incel over at /fit/, you follow a training plan designed for cyclist, and DGAF about what you look like; performance >>>> looks.
If you're so tied up in the idea that what you look like is more important than how you perform on the bike, then YES, find another hobby, or just accept that you'll never even come close to your theoretical potential as a rider. It's not for everyone, after all.
Frankly from what you've already written it's clear to me that you're not interested in actually training because you are in fact more concerned with appearances than you are performance. So go find yourself some other hobby and forget about any sort of serious cycling, it's clearly not for you.