Yer all fuckwits, boomers been riding since bikes were death rattle traps, in all kinds of stupid terrain, shit that would give you nightmares. now you young fuckwits come along and make grand sweeping statements talking outta your asses when you've been spoon fed safety from your nanny state helicopter mommies since birth and haven't had to risk anything, ever.... so you know what, after 50 years, yes you fuck wit, i learned to ride at 5, and have been bashing away at the most god awful trails and roads and traffic since, and now after multiple injuries, bad knees, compressed spinal disk, and the general vagaries of old fucking age, I built an e-bike. Yes you fuck wits, I builot one, why? Because I know how to build things, like most boomers do, because we were all raised in a world that you still had to know how to do shit for your self and not rely on some shit churning poop factory half way around the world producing all your happy crap that gives you meaning, cause you cant make anything yourselves... (sweeping statement, ya I know fuck you) So when you see a boomer on an e-bike, think for a second.. they might be a fuck wit, but there is a very good chance that they have been riding all their lives and have decided that after a lifetime of taxes and working their asses off, a wee bit of wind through the hair without the god awful stench of sweat and aching muscles is a good thing, and that maybe, just fucking maybe, they have fucking earned it. as for you you young fuck wits, pedal you asses off, cause you gotta pay your dues, and so far, throwing that 5000th Starbucks coffee cup into the recycling bin aint enough, not by far.