>>1634452They just installed a bunch of 'speed cushions' in town and they're real mother fuckers, like complete stop mother fukers.
Obviously, they don't expand to the bike lane, so no instead of maybe someone being parked there, 99% of drivers swerve into the bike lane in a panic when they see em.
It's bullshit
>>1634539Bro, I love cars, but ya gotta calm down.
We all live on the same planet and, even climate shit aside, building society around cars is shitty to everyone else, where you can ALWAYS still drive in a people/peds/bikes centered society, if it makes your soft dick twitch
>>1634748Bro, a lot of people only drive because we give them no other choice. You can get (illegally) turned down for jobs when you show up with a State ID instead of a drivers license, for fucks sake
>>1635079>e fact of the matter is that cars allow for personal, private, secure and sanitary transportation across distances too great for pre-20th century modes of transport to handle, and this is a good thing.Because we've actively nerfed any other option because someone stood to make money from doing that, and you've chosen to simp for them with no return on your end
>>1635826This, over and over
>>1635862Have you ever ridden a bike in the US? People like to yell, throw shit, see how close they can get to you, all kinds of shit like that, jjust becuse they're bored.
>>1635883Yeah, Ok, cars fist, bud.
When I drive the semi truck, I'll stop on red, but on my bicycle, I'm going to do whatever keeps me alive, thanks.
I've had close calls and am half an eyebrow short now from following the rules blanketly
>>1635884I assume then the motorists will lose their license 100% of the time they get within that footage right? No? No one even really checks? You'd be bothered if you rode witha measuring stick on your bike, right?
Fuck off, retard, we have passing lanes in Philly too and there's still white bikes all over the city