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>driving is a privilege, not a right Honestly, fuck the government for this, anons. Imagine designing a society in which every form of infrastructure is built up around cars - not even motorcycles or scooters, but just cars, and then pretending that "dude just use public transport.">most places (especially suburbs) don't have bike roads >car roads take up 3/4 of every square foot of the outdoors aside from nature and parks >average wage-slave literally HAS to commute at least an hour, because of the way suburbs became housing prisons and cities became wage-slavery centrals, separating home from work (contrary to pre-industrial approaches to workplaces and houses being near each other) >if you want freedom of mobility, you will either pay a fucking huge amount of money for insurance every month, even on a tiny vehicle, or you will be shoved into a smelly human sardine can (public transport) The government has cucked the average cyclist, the railways, literally every form of transport other than the car, and then cucked car ownership - and now claims that you can supposedly live without a vehicle AND that the freedom to mobility isn't a right. It's fucking insane.
>>1674076 Government exists to constantly fuck you over. No surprise here.
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quit drinking retard
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>>1674076 Fuck the police i haven't registered my car in 4 years
>>1674085 >bicycle crushed by car >somehow this is a bicycle problem and not a car problem Anonymous
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>>1674076 even the car is clucked why even require a drivers license
>>1674089 The weak should fear the strong.
>>1674097 t. jelly that your death won't be 1% as awesome as that guy's was
>>1674103 >lol I called them fat again xD Anonymous
>>1674101 >jelly that your death won't be 1% as awesome as that guy's was Oh. So THAT's the point of driving a car; to die in a spectacular as possible fashion. I never knew.
If that's the goal then I wonder if I wouldn't be better served by a motorcycle. In any case I don't see why I should work hard to get a car for committing suicide in when I could just steal one. There are cars to steal littered around everywhere.
>>1674106 Cars are way harder to steal than bikes, and unlike your child's toy the cops actually care when it happens.
Phoenix AZ here. Everything here is built around cars and when we build one little bike path NIMBYs lose their shit.
>>1674112 >Cars are way harder to steal than bikes Sure, but it's still easier to google how to steal a car than to work harder to afford buying one.
>cops actually care when it happens Excellent! That will make my death even more spectacular. Maybe it will even be televised.
>>1674115 Let us know how it goes <3
>>1674119 Keep watching the news
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>>1674121 Nothing in the world the news will ignore harder than a "white guy shot by cops" story.
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Thank G-d I don't live in North America
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Yes it’s part of the bait and switch the government pulls on Americans and they do it subtly enough that most Americans don’t notice. That’s why many Americans are under the delusion that cars are more individualist than rail.
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>>1674076 Is this an American thing? Being a cyclist in Europe is more convenient than ever
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>>1674076 I lived car free for 2 years, I got a car a month ago and now I use it every day. It’s great to have.
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>>1674076 mentally ill 'im not capable of getting a license or paying for anything' anon?
>>1674076 >driving is a privilege, not a right objectively true, frogposter, sorry they hurt your fee-fee's
>>1674113 >when we build one little bike path NIMBYs lose their shit. Why? Aren't cyclists associated with higher property values?
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>>1674195 Bike lanes are usually just a cover for road diets, which have been an overwhelming failure, so they want to avoid an expensive reconfiguration of the road that's just going to have to be ripped out after a couple months
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>>1674076 i am a cyclist and i just take the full lane whenever i need to, i dont give a fuck
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>>1674077 No thats only a coincidental product of their actions. Their real purpose is to make the rich fags that line politician's pockets with money and children richer and more powerful.
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>>1674150 he needa to get permission from daddy government to ride the car he bought, to use the roads he pays for, to follow all the laws govs put forth and then God willing, die under their boot during a roadside game of simon says. Faggot
>>1674076 >Make a well structured argument >Make it about cyclists instead of the car owners about to lose their rights Nobody cares about cyclists. Not even cyclists themselves, or they’d buy a banger car and use that to get to work. Your whole post falls flat, wasted on a diatribe for fucking bicycles.
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>>1674213 not him but i have a car
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*laughs in swiss*
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>>1674213 Most "cyclists" just do it for fun, they have cars. If anyone brags about taking a bicycle everywhere, they probably have a car. If you're homeless, on welfare, or a college student you don't.
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>>1674195 I've never heard that. Most bicycle lanes I've seen are either standard for new and reconstructed roads, or hastily repainted lanes that serve as de facto gutters when rains come.
Bike infrastructure in the U.S. will always be a mess because European countries that have dedicated bicycle infrastructure generally don't have psychos that take any option because it's most convenient.
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>>1674195 That implies NIMBYs know anything about what makes their property appealing.