>>1679867It's also relative isn't it?
It's a much more viable idea that people should be better, rather than being perfect.
Eat meat, just don't eat it every day.
Maybe have a car for when you need it, but try to ride a bike instead.
It's almost impossible to avoid buying any plastic, but consciously try to minimize it. Take bags to the supermarket. Wash them.
For a hyper wealthy person, being somewhat better than they would otherwise, is still leading an obscene resource intense life, maybe still with private air travel and heated pools. It can still be toned down.
I don't think that makes someone a hypocrite. It's the only standard I expect people to follow. You don't have to be perfect, just try and be better. It's relative to your own life, not others. If you or I compared our footprint to a vegetarian peasant in India then we would seem atrocious