>>1698222and another thing, and i shit you not, £200 for a fucking LX groupset, thing about that for a minute, £200 for a lower mid range fragile as fuck cheap plasticy pile of tryhard dogshit components, i bought a full xtr m900 group a few years ago IN FUCKING MINT CONDITION for less than that, look, don't get me wrong, i am selling shit at vastly inflated prices myself, why the fuck shouldn't i? i been doing this hobby for 20 odd years, built uip a garage full of spares, but it's still loopy as fuck what's going on, I GET NO PLEASURE OUT OF MILKING RETARDED BOOMERS IN A MID LIFE CRISIS, but that's the way this game has gone now.
the thing is, basically i love old mountain bikes, always have, since me first specialized back in 86, rode pro for 6 years, won a few trophies, it's in me blood, if I wanted to be a compolete cunt i could open up me garage and flood the fucking market with so much top tier mtb loot the whole fucking house of cards would collapse, well, thats a bit of an exagerration but you know ehat i mean, i reckon i have 30-40k in bikes and spares in there, never dreamed of flogging it, i collected it, bit of a hoarder or whatever and frankly too lazy to sort it all out, cklean it all up, take snaps and list the shit, but noew and again when i see something that makes my blood boil, like a fuxcking set of tyres for £250+++++ I go in there pull out a sweet chainset and milk the fuck out of retards.