>>1700306I'm /cyc/ as fuck when I'm on my /cyc/ bikes, casual as fuark when I'm on my comfy-ass Miyata or my old Novara beater, a merino t-shirt and touring shorts on my mountain bike because I'm slow as fuck and don't do anything high risk
>mfw my /cyc/ kit adds up to almost $2k>>1702544Heavy, can deploy accidentally and fuck your shit up, can fuck up your frame if you don't have it installed on a kickstand plate (which practically no bikes have anymore), and it does nothing useful as you can almost always find something to lean your bike against, or cam the pedals on, or just lay the bike on the non-driveside. The only time when a kickstand is justifiable imo is on cargo bikes, which have special kickstands that can handle their weight. Sometimes they're useful on touring bikes if you have a plate and a heavy-duty stand that can hold the weight of the bike and all your shit.
also dump the dork plate and the reflectors, unless you're in germany or australia or some other authoritarian hellhole