>>1724475>>1724675>>1727627I commute inside Paris everyday.
Driving a car inside this kind of city as the poor people's transportation mean is a myth, especially here. It's not happening right now and it's been probably decades since it was the case. Parking is very expensive, and simply owning and using a car is expensive. Almost 2 thirds of the cars in Paris are used by rich executives.
«The municipality is going after the poor by restricting cars» is a fantasy promoted by rich people afraid of traffic or of having to take public transportation. You have to be illusioned to think there is a significant amount of poor persons around Paris relying on cars inside it.
If you're really concerned about the welfare and the mobility of needy, notably the ones outside down-town, your absolute priority should be on the public transportation's investments, development and maintenance. Cars will still be needed for professional reasons, disabled persons, and other similar exceptions, but right now literally 80% of cars in Paris are used for comfort.