>>1742939longago,,,listening to ArtBell ona Coldnight,crEEeeaking footstepson front steps,,What,WHO this late? ,
,dim liteout bevelled door window heads bob up,,,,, HUGH EYES,,,LONGTHINECKS,,,tiny mouths!,
,,checkcheckcheck,,,ALIENS! 4 of 'Them!,
,squeek Come on in.,,they justare,
,i need to make tea i guess,start getting in chair talking to silentaliens,,,thenone turns his head and raises his ears,,,big,funny,,,,i knowthis,,your,,,,,,A LLAMA!,,your allammas!,,this a lamma FARM,,i left a gateslopy,
,,CRAP,,gota getouthere and round them up,,,,DOUBLE COLDCRAP,,,,coaton,gloves and ROLL!!