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Day in the life of a Canadian flight instructor

No.1740465 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Show up at 5:30am for 6am flight
>-20°, feels like -30 with dry air and wind chill
>Want to die
>Down shitty instant coffee and smoke cigarette
>Paycheque was $60 less last week so I had to get the cheap John Players this time, fucking gross
>Wander inside, no one there as usual
>Check weather for 3rd time today
>Student shows up 10 mins later than they're supposed to
>Take 10 mins longer than usual to do the weight and balance sheet
>Go out with them to do walkaround cause I don't trust this mong
>Plane wasn't hangared last night and no one plugged the block heater in, classic
>Notice some screws aren't installed, whatever no big deal
>Just barely enough oil, fucking mint
>Spend 10 mins fueling plane
>Rummage around 2 different hangars for a tow bar, finally find one after 5 mins, tow plane into acceptable position
>Come back inside, student just barely knows enough about lesson we're about to go do so it's fine whatever
>Smoke another cig
>Get into plane, student forgets headset, has to go back inside
>Student back inside plane, seatbelt stiff as fuck, needs my help to put it on
>Start attempt #1 fails due to cold
>Decide to show student a pro gamer move
>2 primes then 1 more prime as we crank
>Start #2 fails
>Do it again, attempt #3 engine finally sputters and coughs itself to life but not happy about it
>Same, little engine, same
>Look at my watch, we have 1 hour left in our booking
>10 mins for ground and runup, 10 mins to practice area, 10 mins back, 30 mins air time left for lesson
>Engine sounds rougher than 40 grit sandpaper
>Just after takeoff, feet frozen into bricks
>Maybe this one will have some cabin beat
>Open valve and it's starts blasting -10° air at my feet