>>1786093brooks are the same as lycra.
a roadie in lycra looks stupid in the city, but if you see them on a big mountain climb, doing something impressive, they look cool
brooks saddles look cool as soon as someone is really out there touring on one, and otherwise, they look stupid and out of place.
Personally I have one and have done long tours on it and I love it. I think all your points are basically wrong, but I can think of many bad things about it other than what you said. Your perspective is likely confirmation bias, but really, everyone's perspective on brooks is stupid because they're surrounded by such mystique and are such an enormous meme.
The one extra point i'll make is that Brooks saddles are not uniquely expensive. There are a LOT of expensive saddles, a lot of people ride expensive saddles, and a lot of people have expensive bikes. A lot of people tour on $2000 frames with full xt and shit. You don't need to make up opinions to hate one thing that's expensive. Expensive cycle stuff generally isn't good or bad.