>>1828524Pigs. Cop didn't explain anything to him, didn't reason, didn't cite any violation of the law, nor explained why she was within her rights (or not) to request ID, just went straight for the pathetically aggressive detainment for a minor infraction. Dude actually comported himself fairly well despite simmering with Kangz Oppression, as a whitoid I would seethe just as hard about my rights being violated by such a low IQ specimen (hilarious that male social constructs like police departments have passed the whiphand to inexperienced, young, inarticulate, tiny females who now possess the power to take away your freedom of movement and privacy) and collect a juicy payout after taking them to court. Though I'm confident I'd charm my way into her letting me off, another weakness of letting these people wield powers of law.
When things heat up I'm going to feel so bad for all the Chinese, Russian or Iranian fighting men and civilians killed by some diminutive female soldier using tech weapons, this is some bizarro world comedy.