>>1842691I recognize that mug. WINTER IS COMING. Enjoy the 10% west pay.
>>1846077>>1846176The thing to understand is this job is so radically different from anything else other than remote mining or maybe some military deployments where youre thrown together with a random group of guys you may never have met before, and on a vessel youve never seen before which may be a total piece of shit, and sent into an environment that is relatively hostile to human life.
Especially on work boats, youre basically living in a 4 bedroom house with 4-6 other guys, without the ability to leave. You cannot escape. You MUST deal with their bullshit.
People who do this job for decades end up very eccentric. Those same lifers are usually the superior officers onboard, so they have power over you. And they generally have sacrificed any meaningful life or relationships on land, so what happens on the boat is the be all end all of their existence. This leads to insane bullshit like a captain i worked with who demanded that greenhorn cooks make him a lemon marangue pie from scratch as a right of passage.
We had this one guy in his 30s who was a weird hobbit looking dude, we called him Frodo.
He slaved away all morning to make this pie. Made the crust from scratch. Made everything from the Joy Of Cooking book. Pie smelled great.
Took it out of the oven. It was nice slightly golden brown. Probably tasted delicious.
Unfortunately it looked like a fucking mushroom.
"he didnt peak it!" "HE DIDNT PEAK IT!" "he didnt peak it?" "he. didnt. peak. it"
The captain and his crony mate went back and forth about how he didnt peak the pie like he'd crucified Christ himself. They ordered him to throw it over the side.
Dude was crushed. The rest of the trip he was just a shell of a man barely going through the motions. He hung around the company for a few more months before the same mate got mad at him justifiably because he fucked with something in the engine room without permission and he was fired.