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2022 Summer Cup /n/ Divegrass

No.1838892 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's summertime again ge/n/ts and with it comes /n/s 10 year anniversary run at the 4chan-wide summer cup of divegrass. /n/ goes into the tournament as the #3 ranked board, and makes it to the last 16 as the #1 seed, facing off against #12 team /pw/. A win sees us go through to the last 8 to face the winner of the #8 and #15 ranked /co/ and /s4s/ in an attempt to make the final day for the 4th cup in a row and add a second title to our trophy cabinet.
>What the fuck is going on
AI vs AI divegrass with teams made up and voted on by every board on 4chan that has people who want to. We've beaten /s4s/, /tv/ and /vst/ to get here.
Any suggestions for what players you want on the roster, music to play for the team as anthems or chants, models for the players to use, and anything else can be dropped below. When the next /n/ survey drops it'll all be included.