>>1852104>The fuck? What shithole country uses $ and also requires cycling loicenses?Canada(quebec)
You dont need a loicense to ride a bike nor have I ever heard about one before.
But from what i read on their page, this is what you need to be a member of their club or something??
>>1852107Ive just been riding solo for years, I know literally nothing about that or the culture + zero cycling friends.
I do they they had a cancer fund raiser recently tho, thats not much of an event based on the sport.
but as said the power gap between the intermediate/starter vs sport "expert" seems to be so steep that theres no point to joining them since ill either just be waiting on the slower group or get dropped by the expert group(if they ever go out as a group)
Then again, i havent joined and im just making guesses based on what i saw irl over the years. The dynamic of these groups is confusing to me
>>1852110From the strava post i saw on their club pages, their rides are usually under 100km so theres no reason to hold out, theyre just slow slow