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>be me >be femanon >riding my rigid 90s steel mountain bike >dressed casually, no cycling specific clothes (unless a helmet counts) >on a paved bike path >enjoying the nice spring weather >begin to come up on someone from behind >a fat guy >wearing full cycling kit >including Air Attack helmet >on an S-Works road bike >he hears me approaching and looks back >he quickly looks forward and starts pedaling as hard as he can >I'm keeping pace with him without even trying >he keeps looking back at me >literally every 5 seconds he looks back >looks visibly distressed, as if afraid that he is going to be passed by a girl on a mountain bike >he keeps looking back every 5 seconds or so and this goes on for several minutes >we get to a climb >he slows down to an excruciatingly slow pace so I pass him immediately >when I get to the top of the hill I look back out of curiosity, he is only a third of the way up at best >a few minutes later, stop at one of my favorite rest stops, a nice park overlooking a lake >about ten minutes later, fat guy passes by >stares at me as he passes >a few minutes later, get back on my bike and resume my ride >not long before I've caught up to fatty again >he looks back and sees me >he immediately stops, gets off his bike, turns it upside down, and starts spinning the wheel as if inspecting it >clearly pretending to have mechanical issues to justify stopping, when really he just doesn't want to be passed by a girl on a mountain bike >ask him if he is okay or needs help with his bike >"yes I'm fine thanx. just having a bit of a rest" Pic related, looks almost exactly like him.
Just admit you got mogged and that he was way faster than you. another win for the #fatfalcon
Stale I can't even remember how fucking old this is
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>>1857598 Yeah who memorizes exactly when they first saw a post? You would have to be pretty obsessed to remember how old an old post is.
Not Your Dad REEEEE !!OS7PxlLkFR/
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I was looking for this pasta like a year ago and I couldn't find it, thanks
I miss arguing about superior downtube shifters
>>1857631 based downtubeposters
We should bring back the downtuber meme
>>1857636 It wasn't a meme, it was one dude spamming it and desperately trying to make it a thing.
>>1857590 >fatty fred gets a nice gfd session and she even gives him a chance to talk to him wonder what bike problem could i come up with so she sticks around
>>1857668 accidentally drop some caltrops
coincidentally have a spare inner tube for her tire size
>>1857590 i'll take shit that didn't happen for $500 alex
>>1857594 lol this was probably it, """femanon""" came here to furiously type up a fictitious retelling of events where xe ends up looking like the cool one in the scenario. sad.
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>>1857594 >>1857681 these absolute newtards still replying
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>>1857657 yes, that's what memes are
>>1857657 >it was one dude spamming it and desperately trying to make it a thing. yeah he was just some stupid racer. luckily we kicked an of those guys out
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>>1857657 It was multiple people and I know that because I used it several times and so did other anons
>>1857705 Downtuber detected
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>>1857670 no i want her to help me
i guess fucking your own bike up is an easier problem
>>1857590 >Be me >Autistic 65kg female >Riding a beat up mountain bike I found at the bins >With soil airless tires and pulling a trailer >See lycra clad road dude up ahead >Turn on the hidden electric power assist >Can smell the bewilderment and rage as I overtake him Anonymous
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>>1857922 >tranny lives in fantasy world figures
>>1857590 litterally the two types of carbon fibre riding lycra wearing fags
>racer boy trying to justify his expensive purchase by never riding below 30mph >fat cunt thinking expensive carbon and lycra will compensate for his fatness and make him fast sad to see
ive been having a similar but different experience recently lol
>be femanon on rigid old mtb same lel
>>1857631 stem shifter are the actual master race
its all the advantages of downtoobs but without having to reach down to shift
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>>1858290 fuck its a pasta i feel retarded for responding
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>>1857657 he sounds based even tho i dont like downtoobs
anything to combat the triggar shifter mistake the whole bike industry made
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>>1857590 The picture you posted is a fucking body builder
The man has massive thighs and calves
I'm assuming you meant just the gear and belly but this is a body builder belly, much different than a fat belly
This man's gut is this big from bracing for heavy deadlifts and squats
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>>1857631 fuck off
>>1857590 jesus this copypasta is still being posted? This has to be almost 10 years old.
Anyone still got the old think your elite and fast but your not meme?
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>>1860842 I can hit about 40 mph with a 53x11 on the flats with my road bike. I can hold this for a few miles before I burn out. I always end up running out of gearing with a 46t when in route to the trails.. I understand you think you are some eilte rider that 'knows' everything about biking but I think you are just weak as fuck.
>>1858290 >>be femanon on rigid old mtb >same lel post pic of your bike
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>>1857590 you passed your first person today, congratulations also post bike
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>>1857657 If he bought the meme to life he'd just have to pay more for old downie bikes
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>>1857631 I'm something of a downstuba myself.
>>1858291 they kind of be pointing at me jewels
i was reminded of this thread yesterday because i was riding my mudguard wearing surly home, loaded up with a bunch of shit on the front, drunk, in the rain, and i passed some skinny roadie who i saw take off from the train station about 40 seconds before me on a double digit climb i'm sure he had already ridden like 100km that day or something, but it was funny
>>1861825 lol yeah thats the thing about roadies
you can never be smug about passing them
actually letting other cunts pass you is the biggest flex
bonus asshole points for sort of looming cruisily a little behind them and making them ride a faster pace than otherwise to justify it.
>>1861827 i was at a beer tasting thing and had been standing around drunk in the rain for hours and was so keen to get home. i feel a bit faster in light rain, i think because i don't cook myself as much on the really steep stuff
>looming cruisily a little behind them and making them ride a faster pace than otherwise to justify it lmfao, i do this a lot. i get passed because i look slow so they never expect me to be able to hang. i feed on the terror they experience being followed by a guy in sandals and an electric wizard t-shirt
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>>1857590 >people that don't exist >things that didn't happen Everyone clapped too?
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>>1857590 Congrats anon you just found the averge /n/,/out/, or /xs/ bikefag. Maybe he's in this thread right now.
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>>1861828 Also hanging right behind someone means you take less wind and bugs.
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>>1861789 right next to tits or feet
I own a Brompton and a £600 hybrid Boardman, I sometimes get passed by lycra wearing "roadies" when I'm on country roads, however, I don't let this bother me. I notice that invariably, roadies have really unattractive physiques, they seem to cardio themselves to auschwitz mode. It's true of the professional tour de France guys too, unfortunately the ultra stamina geared body looks indistinguishable from an average skinny dude who has a heroin problem. Only the track cyclists have massive quads. It's best to use cycling for either commuting or for leisure. That way, you can use weight lifting to get shredded and still look good. The guys doing time trials etc. look skinny and unhealthy.
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>>1863411 >look skinny and unhealthy You're wrong. Their physique is peak endurance and thus very healthy. If anything the ripped guys are the ones with an unnaturally buff physique.
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>>1857922 >female doubt it tbhdesu