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Dear coronatards, please stop wearing this shit, it gives you a false sense of security and I am judging the FUCK out of you. If you're relying on the color of your fucking shirt to not get run over, you've already done so many things wrong that you shouldn't be allowed on a bike, ever. Furthermore, this kind of apparel only exists to pander to normie NPCs who think bicycles should have stupid little 25 cent reflectors in the spokes and cute widdle safety bells preferably made of kawaii Japanese bronze, instead of proper life and death road safety equipment. You are basically doing the jersey version of wearing a foam safety hat (also does nothing, exists because of respectability politics, and broadcasts that you aren't fit to ride except on those early summer chaperoned community rides where the oinky piggy oinkers shut down the streets and put up little boo-boo stands with band aids and neosporin and go "seee? we care about your safety soooooo much!") Quick test: if you can wear a ninja suit treated with vantablack and still be safe, you're dong it right. Stop enabling trojan horse mind virus "safety" (sic) ideology, use your lights and never ever buy a hi-viz safety shirt again, if not for your own dignity then at least for the safety of others, thanks.
tl;dr still wearing hi-viz and covering my baiku with reflectors and lights. doesn't matter how good a rider you think you are if you spook a driver at night and they panic.
>>1869735 >baiku This means motorcycle, not bicycle, you stupid weaboo faggot
Go hang yourself
>>1869723 >Quick test: if you can wear a ninja suit treated with vantablack and still be safe, you're dong it right. Stop enabling trojan horse mind virus "safety" (sic) ideology, use your lights and never ever buy a hi-viz safety shirt again, if not for your own dignity then at least for the safety of others, thanks. Rediculous reasoning my dude, hi vis or reflective patters increase road visibility dramatically in bicycle, motorcycle and even in cars (grey, black or silver white cars often blend with the road in mirrors) you are just gay for wanting to wear "cool black".
Not Your Dad REEEEE !!OS7PxlLkFR/
>>1869742 Earth tones actually, yes I know >2022 >still wearing earthtones
If you're going to make fun of lycrahomos for being fashion victims at least do it right
>>1869723 Please never wear hi vis and please never wear a helmet. Thanks.
>>1869738 No it doesn't. kys fucktard
>>1869746 Yes it does, バイク refers to motorbikes, a bicycle is 自転車
Watching pedo cartoons does not mean you know Japanese
>>1869745 >lycrahomos >homos going lycra is a chad move, only betas worry about if they look gay or not, assoschad knows that he cant look gay even in lycra. Earthtones, matt black paint and all black kit is a horrible trend, visibility of cyclists drops down heavily in the shade of trees even in daylight - in the same conditions hivis pops out like shit on your shoes.
even if go non high vis, going white or any other non-black colour (especially solid nonpattern version) in your kit or frame colour is a big step up in visibility. Almost all cycling or moto crashes with cars have a "I didnt see him" element and in moto research hi vis helemts up visibility drastically.
Not Your Dad REEEEE !!OS7PxlLkFR/
>>1869748 I don't really care if people can't determine my orientation at a glance because that would be a weird thing to worry about, I just want working class male drivers to keep staring at my ass at red lights and then look confused and upset when I turn around and realize I'm a guy, and I find colors other than solid black give them more to look at if that makes any sense,
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>>1869749 >I just want working class male drivers to keep staring at my ass at red lights and then look confused and upset when I turn around and realize I'm a guy, and I find colors other than solid black give them more to look at if that makes any sense, makes sense only if you are ghey or have a totally twisted sense of humour
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>>1869749 based & same, grey lycra here
You think OP was born like this or did he work hard to achieve this level of faggotry
Not Your Dad REEEEE !!OS7PxlLkFR/
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>>1869766 Why can't it be both?
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>>1869745 we all know you own no bike, literal namefag.
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You can be in a situation that from your point of view is safe because it has been safe the previous one thousand times you were in it, and still get obliterated by a retarded motorist not paying enough attention. Therefore the sooner visible you are the better.
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>>1869745 >still wearing earthtones Imagine thinking the Earth goes out of style
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>>1869748 >wearing plastic lol
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Ngl I'd almost rather have a slightly higher risk of getting hit by a car than wear this clown outfit, that's how much I hate hi viz. That's assuming it's actually effective in reducing risk, which I'm pretty skeptical about.
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>>1869723 i litterally ride an all black bike wearing all black with no lights
road positioning is everything and also staying off roads as much as possible is the best thing you can do
also i regularly see people riding wearing litteral builders high vis jackets all the time lol
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>>1869738 it means bike wich can reffer to both you yammie noob watching retard
>>1869723 >everyone missed the point entirely and just argues about fashion and i thought i was a woman
hi vis does increase visibility yes, it probably is safer to wear but the point i got from ops post is that if you are relying on your hi vis to be seen then you arent safe
your own riding is the ONLY thing you can rely on to keep you safe hi vis helmets reflectors lights and so on are only extras
PSA - high visibility because of tripcodes
PSA - high visibility because of tripcodes Mon 28 Nov 2022 21:47:20 No. 1872017 Report >>1869723 Dear tripfags, please stop tripfagging. it gives you a false sense of importance and WE DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID OPINIONS
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>>1869747 Bicycle is Jitensha.
And then there Pedaring gearu.
>t watched Yowamushi Pedal Anonymous
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>>1872016 You got it right. I was taught the same thing before doing roadwork. The Hi vis vest helps, but you need to watch for traffic as well. a hi vis vest will help a driver notice you and slow down, but it won't stop them if you are already in a stupid position.
Epilepsy causing lights, one red and one yellow = people mistake you for a road repair vehicle and overreact by trying not to run you over Having rear view mirror (where you can see car's lights from afar) and good ears is the best protection though
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>>1869723 more and more peds wearing them on the sidewalks
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do not post here
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>>1872145 >rear view mirror I don't have one, and have seldom failed to notice cars approaching from the rear, keeping my head on a swivel.
I'd rather they think I am unaware and have no idea where they are. That way my lane-hogging and unpredictable swerving makes them more cautious. If I had a mirror they'd feel entitled to assume things about me, about what I know, and what I will do, and assume what they can do based on those assumptions.
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>>1869723 >25 cent reflectors in the spokes and cute widdle safety bells >Not using spoke beads. NGMI
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Found Op's clothing of choice
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>>1869723 > Making yourself more likely to be seen by cagers is bad