Deleting off-topic spam/shitposts isn't difficult at all isn't it? So do the same in /o/ you fucking tranny. I don't care about your personal feud with cars, I don't care if you got ran over, I don't care if you can't afford one, I don't care if you are a communists who thinks private property is bad. Do your fucking job, when we report off-topic /n/ spam, you delete it, simple as.
I have provided the 4pleb link/screenshots, I have reported the spam/troll posts, I have sent you feedback, I have contacted you on rizon, yet you still let /n/ spammers shit up our board. We will stop shitting yours until you do your fucking job.
>b-but I don't moderate /o/ then tell the tranny that does to clean our board, faggot.