>>1896790>> Does homeownership reduce crime? A radical housing reform from the UK>https://eprints.lse.ac.uk/108426/I'm not bothering to read 69 pages of this because the UK is not relevant
>>Neighborhood crime, the housing crisis, and geographic space: Disentangling the consequences of foreclosure and vacancy>https://sci-hub.ru/10.1080/07352166.2017.1310558Oh look, it is exactly what I fucking said it was
"Control variables
To reduce the likelihood of spurious findings, a number of neighborhood characteristics were
taken into account. "
"More Black residents in the neighborhood were associated with more
crime in the focal neighborhood,"
"Given that more heterogeneity may hamper the formation of
social ties, we constructed a measure of the racial/ethnic heterogeneity using the Herfindahl
" The racial and
economic segregation that exists in many Rust Belt cities like Cleveland suggests a need to consider
the broader ethnic heterogeneity and poverty of the nearby area. Highly disadvantaged neighborhoods have long been associated with disproportionately higher rates of crime (Kirk & Hyra, 2012;
Peterson & Krivo, 2010); thus, it is crucial to incorporate measures of disadvantage when considering
the broader relationship of foreclosure and crime."
"Racial/ethnic heterogeneity in the focal neighborhood is significantly associated with both violent
and property crimes,"
Literally every crime study does this. This is the same shit as any gun control study. The effect of more black people moving to an area had a higher effect on crime then the housing issue or gun laws did. Every fucking time this happens so they need to "account for" read make up numbers, to even see the effects of what they are studying because racial demographics has a larger effect. To say nothing of the fact that increasing the black/hispanic population of an area always makes the schools worse due to teachers not wanting to work there.