>>1887035I'm not simping for cagers, I'm berating you tards,
>>1887119You think this is ANTI-driving? Would you rather take the bus, and spend twice as long in traffic? Maybe the bike, for thrice as long with none of the AC/fume protection?
>>1887134"Eat ze bugs" is real, and your anti-car guys play right into it. They want to constrict individual freedom, what better thing could they do than ban cars? Because a car is freedom. Go where-ever you want, whenever you want. Unlike public transport, which is run by governments, or cycling which is just frankly impractical for any significant distance.
>>1887172>busses are efficientlol, not when there's 2 people on it. But the bus must run, otherwise there'd be no access to/from your quiet suburb, or in off-peak hours, right?
The inherent problem of mass transit is the organisation. You want to move 1000 people on one journey? Yeah, busses work great. You want to move 1 person on 1000 different journeys? Not so much (you can see here
>>1887241 that it is very inefficient, being way worse than cars in every city at every point in time.)
>>1887157Interesting point. Luckily, it doesn't extend to motorbikes inpractice, probably because anti-car people are too scared/mentally ill to drive cars, let alone motorbikes. Here, again, you see no logical search for truth, they just want to pretend to be my buddies and shut me up.