>>1940769If they had passports and actually travelled they could go to Canada, England, Singapore, Germany, India, Sweden etc and see that whether you have niggers, Turks, Pakis and Pajeets, Filipino, Chinese that they still manage to have extremely extensive transportation systems.
Americans are just incapable of accomplishing anything anymore because they have no more spirit left. They managed to build lots of railroads in the 19th century, tons of highways in the 20th century - they even went to the fucking Moon - as part of nation building programs where the nation collectively agreed to work together to accomplish major infrastructure, engineer and scientific projects. It seems like after the Apollo program and the humiliating defeat in Vietnam, everyone just got lazy and was like "well, whatever". So they haven't managed to accomplish anything significant since then except murder each other and fight about politics like it's Blue vs Red team sports. And now they really can't because the entire country is ruled by an elite class of ultra-wealthy cynical billionaires who just want to extract wealth from citizens and do not give one fuck about the longevity of the nation.
And because the average American is a poorly educated inbred hillbilly or a retard in the city (because few can afford school, kek) they don't even have the power to organize and try to change anything. Those in power just tell the average person it's the niggers' fault or the Jews or the Mexicans instead of those in power.
Remember when you Amerifats could actually build infrastructure projects like this? Now you've got entire zones of your cities swarming with drugged up fentanyl zombies.