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NIMBYism is good edition
This is what happens when local voices are ignored:
>Disemboweling a dozen communities along the route,” construction of the highway required the demolition of thousands of apartments in hundreds of buildings in a seven mile swath across The Bronx. In all, over 60,000 were directly displaced by the construction of the Cross Bronx—the most of any single infrastructure project in American history.
Never forget that the "YIMBY movement" is a naked power grab by moneyed elites looking to dismantle the democratic process and allow a small number of oligarchs to loot and destroy cities for the benefit of the few
Old thread: >>1955915
This is what happens when local voices are ignored:
>Disemboweling a dozen communities along the route,” construction of the highway required the demolition of thousands of apartments in hundreds of buildings in a seven mile swath across The Bronx. In all, over 60,000 were directly displaced by the construction of the Cross Bronx—the most of any single infrastructure project in American history.
Never forget that the "YIMBY movement" is a naked power grab by moneyed elites looking to dismantle the democratic process and allow a small number of oligarchs to loot and destroy cities for the benefit of the few
Old thread: >>1955915