>>1970907i live in farmerland in the middle of nowhere in the uk
i love seeing the small cute tractors and the baeuetifal vintage machines
seen some cool ancient ones even steam powered ones
i love all the interesting ways the farmers do their logistics like using a small tractor to tow a land train with like 3 trailers and one of them has a dune buggy thinggie on it loll
the big ones are cool too but so scary on the backroads
all the corners are blind youre just betweeon 2 hedges 1.5 cars wide
and then suddenly a giant machine that takes up the entire with a huge metal spikey bladed contraption hanging off the front or back with tyres taller than the roof of my car comes round the corner
its always either a 17yo driving
or an 80yo who cant see shit
i could be going like 30 to 70mph (70 is the speed limit lolll)
and those things can go like 40 i think
i have seen death im telling you
not that other car drivers havnt almost killed me more or anything
its actually not so bad on my bike
i mean im going about 40 tops but i can also outbrake and outmaneuver any car so its actually way less scary when a big tractor comes round the corner
also its nice when im riding by one of the small tractors and i can say hi to the driver as i go by lol
>>1970939tracktors on the fuckign motorway
based honestly but holy shit dude someones gonna die
put it on a flatbed if you arent even towing anything cmon ur a big slow object on a road full of cars and lorries going at least 50 up to 100+
someeone gonna die
>>1970929love these dudes
ive seen these out on the road lol
i found a steamy like this but smaller in the woods
looked like it hadnt moved in a good decade at least
bet she still werks tho :)
>>1970976based but deadly