>>1972308hello, you ESL
when English characters are placed together, lowercase, with no spaces in between, that is called a "word"
words are pronounced as a single unit, made up of it's individual parts, with no pauses in between. The pauses are signified by a blank character commonly called a "space," or perhaps by a period, followed by a space, followed by the capitalized first letter of the next word, which defines the separation of ideas into "sentences." This is a basic structure of the English language. My use of the quotation marks """ around a word signifies that is should be considered somewhat separate from the flow of other words which surround it, or perhaps to place special emphasis on it. Had I wanted to emphasize a by letter spelling, I could have used spaces, but I feel it would be more appropriate to use the hyphen "-" symbol to clarify the intent.
I understand that English is a difficult language for you. And I'm already out of characters your fucking dumb ass.