>>2013379The system behind this alert was institutionalized in year 2017, aka during Abe's term
>>2012974The three proposed route alignment are selected to avoid underground water where breweries are located, avoid area where it's generally believed to have high historical value heritage buried underground, and also avoid national parks etc to the best of its abilities
As for Tokaido Shinkansen Maibara to Osaka segment, even if one force JR Central sell it to JR West it won't solve anything.
Fukui prefecture wouldn't pay for a route that didn't past through Obama City.
Shiga prefecture wouldn't pay for a route that will result in some of their existing railway that need to be turn into 3rd sector with them getting zero benefit.
Capacity constrain on Tokaido Shinkansen will still remain, since the rapid type of Chuo Shinkansen is expected to operate only 10tph and have 1000 ppl per train, significantly less than Tokaido Shinkansen Nozomi capacity, and this is before taking into account induced demand. Then there are also Yokohama and Kyoto that will continue need to rely on Tokaido Shinkansen. Therefore Nozomi is here to stay. And then the route still need to support extra frequency for enhanced service inside Shizuoka. The total of these demand, and adding also the demand of through-running from Sanyo area to Tokai area, will still exceed the demand of Hokuriku Shinkansen. And ultimately a new route between Maibara and Osaka will still be needed
Therefore, if one want to compare the cost of Maibara route vs Obama route, one would have to compare the cost of building new Tsuruga-Obama-Kyoto-Osaka route vs building new Tsuruga-Maibara-Kyoto-Osaka route.
But what I am thinking about is, with Kyoto City rejecting the route this much, why not just route it via the shorter route via Kameoka instead? The tiny little trolley train that connect from Kameoka is famous enough that international tourists will likely have no problem connecting to Kyoto via Kameoka nowadays