>>1973341City Hall would be great but since the shitty 676 exit is north of it and Broad is baked in I just can't see them doing it.
Chestnut again nice but I just can't see it happening.
Jeweler's Row on 8th probably not, but you could probably go car free on Sansom between 8th and 6th.
Italian Market yeah that'd be fucking awesome
I think you could do the Parkway between the circle and JFK plaza, keeping the cross streets. Then end the Parkway at the circle, diverting incoming city traffic down 20th and out bound coming from Vine. Then continue Race street through same as Vine. If the cap that section of 676 and remove the car traffic circle you get a gigantic park section and desu I don't see it disrupting much.
MLK Drive would be nice, at minimum it and Kelly should both be one lane each side, kerb separated, dropped to 25mph or less. Allows the boaters and people trying to access the green areas from farther away but increases the open space, reduces car noise and speed, and hopefully prevents people from using at 76 part 2.
I'll also add to that list Independence/5th between Market and Walnut, 5th between Market and Arch, as well as 4th between Chestnut and Walnut.